A fast growing technology firm was keen to establish a consistent culture. The organization had experienced rapid growth and was keen to retain its entrepreneurial culture while instituting a process, discipline and professionalism oriented work ethos. Inqubex was asked to facilitate the articulation of the elements of the desired culture as well as support its institutionalization .
We initiated the assignment by setting up a core group representative of the leadership, different levels, geographies and functions which would be the team that would be the internal champions for the defined culture. We conducted a series of workshops with the core group to educate them about the meaning and benefits of a cohesive work culture. We then explored what the core group felt were the determinants of the desired culture. These workshops resulted in the definition of the desirable culture and its sub elements. Through another set of workshops we explored the “”as-is”” state against the desired culture elements as well as what process, organizational, policy and work changes it would take to move to the desired state. These were then consolidated and clear action areas identified. The core group was broken up into sub teams that each worked with 1-2 action areas; detailing them and identifying the changes needed.
The last stage of the assignment involved definition of a communication and governance framework to institutionalize the culture. This involved holding a series of communication meetings with the wider employee base. These meetings were led by the core team and ensured effective dissemination of information as well as establishment of a common language. The governance framework is currently deployed and reviewed every quarter to track progress on the action areas.